Comments and Email Notifications

For regular users:

If you are having issues with a particular deliverable or if you don't agree with a particular document that has been assigned to you then you can leave a comment on the system. 

To leave a comment just go to the relevant credit or document and click on the "Add a comment" button at the bottom of the page.  Enter your comment subject and text (just like an email) and click on the Send button.

The system uses some intelligence to determine who gets notified by email when you leave a comment.  This is to avoid large amounts of email and communication getting lost in the noise.  The system works as follows:

If you believe you are receiving too many emails on a particular project or if you are an observer and don't require email notifications then please contact one of the Project Administrators for your project and request that they turn off email notifications to you.  The Project Administrators have control over all types of email notifications that are issued by the system and can control who receives email accordingly.